Alsaa 2m and 4m Results 2025 AIB 4m Cross Country Results Winter Individual and Team League 2024/2025 Summer League Results 2024
  • League Scoring System

    Individual League

    Points are assigned based on a runner’s position in their Standard for the race in question. Standards are based on race performance and can change from race to race.

    For a combined race male runners are grouped for scoring as are female.

    Each Standard must have at least 5 runners. If a Standard has less than 5 runners, the runners will be grouped with each next lowest Standard in turn, until the Standard Group has at least 5 runners, starting at 30 and moving down to 1.

    If the lowest Standard Group has less than 5 runners, the runners in that group will be added to the next highest group.

    When a Woman runs in a Men’s race, they will be included in a Standard Group with Men of the same standard.

    When all runners are assigned a Standard Group, 1st place in each Standard Group is awarded 10 points, 2nd 9.9, 3rd 9.8 and so on. A runner who doesn’t run in their own Company’s race, due to Volunteering to help at the race, is awarded 10 points.

    Scores are accumulated for each race. The total score for each runner is based on their best scores from the total number of races in the season minus 2. For example, if there are 8 races in the Summer League, the best 6 will count to calculate a runner’s final score.

    The League Standard for each runner is then calculated by averaging the runner’s Standard over the races run, rounded to nearest Standard.

    The Final step is to divide the Standards into Divisions. The grouping were revised after Summer 2022 to try to get as close as possible to having runners evenly divided across the divisions.

    We now have 4 divisions. Men with average standard 1 to 9 are grouped in Division A, 10 – 12 in Division B, 13 – 16 in Division C and 17 – 30 in Division D. Women with average standard 1 – 16 are grouped in Division A and 17 to 30 in Division B. Groupings and Divisions will be reviewed based on numbers participating in the League

    Team League

    Points are assigned based on a Team’s best position in the Team Grades. For 1st position in each Grade, a team is awarded 6 points, 5 points for 2nd, down to 1 point for 6th place in the Grade.

    If a company has more than one team in the race, the score of the best placed team is assigned as the team score for that race.

    The cumulative best score for each team is calculated and the highest scoring team is declared the winner.

    Sector teams can compete alongside company teams in the Team League.

    Sector Teams

    Some runners working in a small company or self employed may join with 5 other runners working in a similar occupation or industry to form a Sector team.

    Examples of Sector teams are Teachers, Health Workers, Solicitors etc

    If you would like to compete with a Sector team, contact the BHAA Registrar with the names of the team members.

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