The Business Houses Athletic Association is a work place athletic organisation whose aim is to facilitate colleagues to run together in a series of races. It was formed in 1979 and has branches in Dublin and Cork. The structure of the BHAA is an entirely voluntary one with running groups from various companies coming together to put on running events for each other.


    The runners that attend our races are our members. The BHAA recognises that running and socialising together is good for groups of people who work together. We welcome runners of all standards and there is as warm a welcome for the last finishers of a race as the winners.


    BHAA Race Organisers

    There are no BHAA races without our volunteer Race Organisers. These are groups of people from work-based running groups who come together each year to put on events for the BHAA members.

    This page is a template for the BHAA Race Organisers on how they can plan and execute a successful BHAA event. The purpose of this document is to help you plan a successful BHAA race. It highlights  all the main tasks you should consider when planning your race and the time frame for completing these tasks.

    Each BHAA race has a similar format and race organisers are asked to adhere to BHAA standards and to always consider the safety of our runners but race organisers are encouraged to do something different to make their race unique.

    It is recommended that each Race Organiser’s team have specific roles to ensure all tasks are covered.


    Provides all details of the event so we can inform the BHAA members and attract new members to the event.


     Is responsible for handling registration on the day of the event and managing the various desks for BHAA members, new members and per-registered runners. Supports the BHAA committee to set up the registration laptops.

    The Registrar will ensure that the required number of desks are available at the registration hall to avoid queues of runners on the day. They need to arrange at least 8 people to work in 2 person teams to handle registration of BHAA members, new members and pre-registered runners. They should attend a registration of another BHAA event prior to their own to see and refresh how the process works.

    1 month: Plan set-up of venue – BHAA information Desk, Registration Desks for Members and Day Members, Quiet Results processing area, Prize Giving Area, Refreshment Area, Fire Evacuation Plan.  Ensure PA system for prize-giving.

    2 hours: setup the registration desks and direct athletes to the appropriate registration desk.

    Close of registration: Collect all paperwork and retain for the BHAA Registrar.


    Looks after all cash and prizes on the day of the event.

    Course Director

    Looks after all aspects of the course from start line to the finish area. Course Maps. Manual backup of race results. Assign people to take photos and video on the day of the event.

    The course director will look after the course and arrange for stewards to be available at all locations on the course as required. The CD should ensure runners know there the start and finish are. They will arrange for the course to be measured and that mile markers are places on the course. They should consider if mile callers can be used on the course. They are responsible for ensuring that all runners who start the race are accounted for at the end.  The CD will provide a team of stewards to help with the setup of the finishing chute. They will ensure people are available to record the finishing numbers and that the BHAA race numbers are collected at the end.

    6months: Agree on a safe race course and prepare safety statement. For a road race obtain agreement from local Garda that race can proceed on the agreed course.

    3months: Contact personality chosen to present prizes/to start race to confirm their availability on race day. Recruit volunteers to help on the day.

    1 month: Measure the race course accurately. Organise tape & posts for course, mile/km markers, start and finish line. Prepare race course map and allocate stewards to junction points.

    2 weeks: Contact BHAA volunteer co-ordinator if volunteers are required from BHAA membership

    1 day: Set up race direction signs on main approach route to race centre.

    On day: Organise opening of any access gates.  Open registration hall, set up registration desks, signs for registration, changing areas & toilets and race start.   Display course map.

    30m before race start: Ensure course stewards are in position.

    Have two people to supervise the finish chute.

    Have two people to record the finish numbers of runners.

    Have two people to collect race numbers at the end of the finish chute.

    This roles involves supporting the BHAA committee with the step up of registration, printing and publishing of race results and recording of digital media at the event. A computer and gadget savy person is recommended for this role.

    They will provide people to take photographs at the event and take video of the start/finish of the race.

    Race Director 

    Last but not least the race director looks after all the roles above and is the main contact for the BHAA committee and runners.

    The timeline for planning of a BHAA event should start with the Race Director about one year before the planned event. As the event gets closer there are specific jobs that can be completed by the specific roles. The week before and after an event also have specific jobs that we would like to see completed. Each of these roles have a mirror contact person on the BHAA committee who can provide more in depth details of what is required.

    The Race Director will proposes the initial event outline and will out the race course, where registration will take place. They will work with local councils, gardai and the BHAA committee to arrange insurance certificates and permissions to hold the event. The race director is expected to attend the BHAA race organizers meeting. The RD will provide a safety statement for the event and ensure that a first aid presence is available for the runners on the day of the event.

    1 year: Book race venue. Ensure sufficient changing areas, showers and toilets. Verify registration and refreshment areas are large enough and have adequate electrical power.

    6 months: Recruit a core race organising team.

    3 months: Request insurance certificate to be issued for event.

    2 months: Organise FIRST AID – St John Ambulance.

    Race Start: Be at the start line on time to give final instructions and start the race.

    Have a post-race review and report what worked well and what could be better to the BHAA race organisers meeting.


    Take photos of the runners at all stages of the event. The start line, race winners at the finish line and the presentation ceremony should be covered.

    It is recommended to take shots as the runner approaches the camera.

    Return the camera to the BHAA webmaster who will uploaded them to flickr.

    Video Camera

    Collected from the BHAA committee.

    To record, put the camera to record mode and hit the Red button to start/stop recording.

    Record the start of the race, middle lap of the race if possible and the runners crossing the finish line.

    The video should be displayed to the runners in the refreshments hall with the projector and screen.


    Looks after the refreshments that will be provided to the runners on the day of the event.


    A person should be assigned to help the BHAA committee with the printing and distribution of race results.

    Record the exact start time of each race.

    Manually record the finish time and numbers of the top three in each race.

    Be on hand at the BHAA van to collect the printed results and put them up for runners to review.

    Collect all printed results at the end and bring them to the hall for the prize presentation.

    BHAA Race Information

    All BHAA race information should contain the following details:

    • Race Organiser Name
    • Distance
    • Race Start Times
    • Course
    • Race HQ address
    • BHAA logo :
    • No Headphones/ Headphones are strictly prohibited
    • Contact details of BHAA – and
    • Contact details of Race Promoter – mobile/telephone/email
    • Registration closes half an hour before race – give time
    • Price – €10 for BHAA members and €15 for day members
    • Pre-register day membership
    • Prize categories
    • Car parking
    • Changing/showers
    • Refreshments

    Please submit all race information for approval to the BHAA PRO at prior to printing/circulation, no later than 3 months in advance of race date.

    Race Preview

    This outlines details of the upcoming race and will be used for email, text and social media messaging. It should outline any new features or changes to the event.

    The race review report allows the race organisers to give their insight on their event. The report should highlight the race winners and other significant runs from the day. It should outline the winners of the team categories. It allows the race organiser to mention people involved in helping to run the event. The report should include photo’s from the start, finish and prize giving.


    The finance role is expected to be able to account for all monies on the day of an event. This person will provide an initial float for the start of registration. They are expected to have the prizes for individuals and teams arranged and will be present at the presentation.

    6months: Prepare a race budget and send out letters requesting race sponsorship.

    1 month: Organise prizes.

    1 week: Prepare float

    Close of registration: Collect all monies and account for the various membership groups. Return all monies to the BHAA Treasurer.

    Prize Presentation: Have all prizes ready for the presentation.

    Insurance Certificate

    The BHAA has a full public liability insurance policy that covers all of our events. Some venues look for an indemnity from our insurers and the BHAA treasurer arranges it. Typically that would be owners of venues being used for the race or for registration/changing etc.  In order to get the appropriate indemnity we need to know:

    (a) Who is the indemnity for?

    (b) Date and time of the race

    (c) Race type (= road)

    (d) Venue/location to be covered

    When these details are provided the details are passed the broker to arrange the document. It can take up to two weeks to get the indemnity.


    The BHAA committee is elected each year at the AGM. This page details the Officer Committee Roles and the responsibilities that the person in that role is expected to carry out during the year. It also lists the Ordinary and non-committee based roles that are available.

    The Committee consists of:


    • Represents the BHAA at formal presentations, functions and funerals.
    • President Presides over the election of the incoming Committee at the AGM.


    • Chairs Executive Committee Meetings, enlists the opinions of all Committee members to forge a consensus.

    Vice Chairperson

    • Contacts race organizers to agree race calendar.
    • Chairs race organizer’s meetings.
    • Attends AAI meetings as the BHAA representative.
    • Maintains the race planner template and ensures race organisers apply it.


    • Looks after the financial affairs of the BHAA to ensure all monies are lodged to the bank account, pays bills and expenses as they fall due.
    • Prepares quarterly reports on income and expenditure to the Executive Committee and an Annual Report for the AGM
    • Prepares Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for Auditors
    • Organises insurance certificates as required by race organizers and maintain contact with insurers to keep them advised of any changes in BHAA requirements.
    • Provides invoices to companies for team members membership/special events fees.


    • Takes minutes at Executive Committee Meetings, Race Promoter Meetings and AGM and circulates via email
    • Advises committee members of forthcoming meetings and books meeting rooms
    • Engages in any special correspondence


    • Promotes BHAA, its calendar & its activities. Arranges content for the BHAA website with race announcements & special BHAA events.
    • Plan promotional material such as poster and course maps
    • Sends BHAA material & results to AERTEL, national & local newspapers & running magazines.
    • Maintains the email newsletter and list via MailChimp
    • Handles race text message system
    • Handles social media channels, facebook / twitter
    • Responds to web threads and emails to
    • Presents Annual report to the AGM
    • Arranges race day photographers and video recorders
    • Quarter Master
    • Looks after equipment and jeep (signage/finish posts, tape, video camera, speakers, scanner, tape, mats)
    • Looks after timing equipment
    • Looks after race clocks and PA
    • Liase with race organiser to ensure they collect and return the BHAA van
    • Get race promotional information for the website, ie poster, course map etc


    • Records membership applications for existing and new members
    • Registrar Maintains company/sector teams
    • Registrar Compiles membership breakdown for AGM
    • IT/Website
    • Updates the website with links, events and results
    • Trains/guides the PRO, Registrar and Race organisers on how they can update the wordpress based website
    • Maintains summer/winter individual and team leagues
    • Maintains members grading standards
    • Train people on the raceday computer setup and use of the RaceTec timing software

    BHAA Auditors

    • Audit BHAA accounts on an annual basis
    • Committee and Non-Committee Roles
    • For people who want to contribute to the BHAA at specific events or who might have free time during the week there are a number of support roles that you can help us with.
    • For each race there are a number of phases in the lead up, during and after the race at which specific jobs must be completed.
    • 2/3 Months before event


    • Meet the race organizer and ensure the template and the required jobs have people assigned to them

    Race Day and Registration

    • IT – Get raceday registration system setup.
    • Registrar – Ensure blank paperwork is available. Details of pre-registered runners
    • PRO – Have people for the meet and greet desk
    • Treasuer – Arrange money float for each desk

    Post Race Results

    • Registrar – Ensure all paperwork is returned
    • PRO – Gather back photo’s and video’s
    • Treasuer – Ensure correct money is split between RO and BHAA
    • IT – Get individual and team results printed for presentation and uploaded to website.

    Week After The Race

    • Registrar – Process paperwork to ensure new members are correctly assigned
    • PRO – Publish race organiser report on the race, arrange for photo’s be uploaded
    • IT – Once all new members have been entered assign the standard and league points.
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