Welcome to the BHAA 2010 season and we are looking forward to another great series of races this year. We would like to inform you of some rule and process changes for the 2010 season.
Declared Sector Teams
Up to now the BHAA committee has placed runners into sector teams, when they have had no chance of forming a team within their company. This system has been difficult to manage since it was unclear to runners who was on their team on a given day, and for committee to limit the size of the teams and predict who would turn up to run for a given sector team.
In order to ensure more clarity is brought to the sector teams area, we will introduce a "declared sector team" for all races this year. The basic idea is that a group of runners, all of whom work for different companies in the same sector, will declare that they will run as a team for the year.
Company and Sectors
1. A list of industry sectors will be maintained by the BHAA committee.
2. Each company will be registered within one sector.
3. Membership of the team is fixed for the BHAA one year season.
Company Team
4. Runners employed by a specific company can only join the company team if one exists.
5. There is no maximum limit to the number of runners on a company team.
Sector Team
6. If a runner cannot form a company team of at least 3 runners, then they are allowed to form a team with a minimum of three members and maximum six members with other runners from the same sector.
Team Registration
7. Each team will have a nominated contact person.
8. By default any runner will NOT be registered with any team by the committee.
9. It is up to the runner to find their company team or a section team, via the website, forum or at races.
10. The BHAA committee can recommend to groups of runners that they should form a sector team, but the application must come from the teams.
This do not effect the setup of company teams (runners will be automatically assigned), but we would like to see a person step forward from each company team to act as a liason with the BHAA committee. In the coming days we will contact all runners without a company teams, and outline how they can use this website to identify other runners in their sector.
Rule Change for 2010
– The wearing of headphones is forbidden at all BHAA events.
This is to ensure that all runners can hear the instructions from stewards and are fully aware of other runners on the course.
BHAA Membership Cards
We will start issuing membership cards in February. The card will allow members to access discounts in various shops and services.
We look forward to seeing you all at some stage in 2010,
Yours in sport,
The BHAA Committee